Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So people have been emailing me over the last 3 days all asking the same thing.

"John, what do you think of that Apple Keynote from Steve Jobs?"

Albeit, they usually don't spell it out that well.

As amazing as it seems, my editor has been cutting back my 'Apple baiting'™ posts even though people want to know what I really think about it. He says if I do it too much, the Appletards will start ignoring all I say. Pshaw. We all know Appletards don't think that far ahead. The inane rage they get from someone criticizing their holy company is too much for them to start thinking about it rationally.

Over the next few days I'll give you little insights into what I found interesting about the glorious leader's speech to the fanatics. I've given you all hints at what I think on my other blog (, which can be found at, but as I said, my editor there keeps telling me to post about something else. So I'll use this soapbox instead.

On to the topic at hand.
Really, The WWDC Keynote can be summed up by how it started. Steve (hand)Jobs started the keynote by bringing out a constipated drunk. Seriously, go to and watch the first 5 minutes and tell me that the president of EA doesn't look both drunk and constipated. Go on, I'll wait....

You see what I mean? What in the world was up with that? Obviously, what Steve is trying to say here is that you have to be a drunk, constipated moron to make games for the Mac. Hello people, Apple has tried this again and again begging developers to make games and it's always gone nowhere. Even their most rabid exclusive game developer went and bailed and sold themselves to Microsoft back in the day. You really think anyone but the 5 Appletarded gamers would even know who Bungie software was, or what Halo was If they'd ended up releasing the game as a Mac exclusive? No. They knew better. Yet somehow Apple thinks that they can somehow bring gaming to the Mac with some terrible ports of games that no one plays, even on the PC.

And people wonder why I think the heads at Apple doesn't know their heads from their asses.

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