Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So you've figured it out, finally.

I got an email just now that I thought I'd respond to on the blog. I'm not sure how this person got my private email address. I wonder if they're from the CIA.

"I herd U say on TWaT podcast that U useed 2 work in the mailing lists. Is that the rael way 4 how U gets no spam?"

Hmm. Apparently this person isn't from the CIA. They must work in Apple as an iPhone tester. See, I told you. Look at how well that iPhone Keyboard works, Appletards.

Anyway, finally one of you numbskulls has figured it out. I mentioned on This Week's Anal Techheads that I used to have a stint in the mail order mailing list buisness. So, Yes, I have connections from my mailing list days. The word was spread to leave the big D alone when they made the transition into email from paper mail. They're loyal like that. As long as I keep giving them any email addresses that you give me by emailing me, they just thank me and let me be. As always, thanks to all you fans for supporting me, intentionally or not. Oh, did I go all that time without mentioning dvorak.org/blog?

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