Saturday, July 21, 2007

Busy Busy Busy, But here's the long awaited review

Sorry Folks I had a heck of a time on my trip.

So, I got the iPhone, and I actually was quite enjoying it. Looking through the music I had put on it, playing with the contacts, watching a TV show. I left, as I said in a previous post, around 9:30am and when I got to Berlin it was 10:09am, So, folks. Proof Positive that I was right. The iPhone has terrible battery life. It was just after I landed in Berlin that the battery had already died on me. Dvorakians, that was only 40 minutes time, and yes, this was while on airplane mode. Worse yet, When I got to the hotel, I couldn't plug in the phone because it wouldn't fit in the wall. You would think Apple would realized that people travel with their cellphones and not all wall plugs are the same. Some sort of multiplug would be nice. Oh, and Apple Polishers, don't go telling me that other phones don't do it. If this thing is supposed to be the be all, end all, phone I expect it to do everything I'll ever want or need. End of Story.

So my whole trip I was lost with no phone and no GPS. I was counting on the iPhone to work as both (I know it isn't a GPS, but I was planning to use Google Maps). That's why you might have noticed that the episode of Cranky Geekz from 3 weeks ago was a fluff piece with no news stories, it was one of the pretaped shows we had just for that kind of occasion.

Now you might be wondering, since I HAD been back from Germany for nearly 2 weeks, why I had not updated. The fact is, I wanted my next post to be the review of the iPhone and well, I was going to do the review FROM the iPhone. That folks is the next problem with it. I could not for the life of me log into blogspot from Leo's iPhone at all. I waited and waited for Apple to fix this flaw in the iPhone Safari but no dice. So finally I gave up and am writing from my trusty Windows Dell PC. The other reason was, well I was wanting to get back on TWaT before I reviewed the iPhone. If I posted a negative review, Leo likely wouldn't let me on again for a while. I do think maybe I might have let that slip because it was 2 weeks since I got back before he let me back on the show. Now that I was on, I can speak candidly again.

Anyway folks, back to the point.

Plain and simple Dvorakians, the iPhone is a dud. It failed the Dvorak Scrutiny™ test both in battery life and in functionality.

Oh, and don't forget to check out The trained monkeys that I had doing my work for the week and a half that I was lost in Germany did a pretty decent job mimicking my posts, but now I'm back and it is all in full swing.

1 comment:

iFoneMan said...


I think, in my opinion, that the iPhone is the greatest invention of the 21st century. It has a great interface, and do not understand how people can NOT like it! I mean, no other phone has the quality and resolution the iPhone does. It can play REAL games, (iPhysics). And it looks like you haven't Jailbroken your iPhone. If you don't know what that means, it allows you to download many MORE applications. BTW